On Monday night, Tamil actor Dhanush announced his divorce from filmmaker wife Aishwarya Rajinikanth after 18 years of marriage. ‘Please respect our decision,’ says the narrator.
Dhanush and Aishwarya posted notes on their separate social media sites confirming their split.
“We’ve spent 18 years together as friends, a couple, parents, and well-wishers. Growth, comprehending, adjusting, and adapting have all been part of the experience. Today, we’ve reached a point when our paths diverge. Aishwarya and I have decided to separate as a relationship in order to better understand ourselves as individuals.
“Please respect our decision and provide us with the privacy we require to deal with this. Namashivaaya, Namashivaaya, Namashivaaya, Namashi D, please spread the love “Dhanush revealed this in a tweet.
Only your love and understanding are required!”
In 2004, Dhanush married Aishwarya Rajinikanth, the daughter of superstar Rajinikanth. Yatra and Linga, the couple’s two boys, were born in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
Aishwarya Rajinikanth has directed films such as “3,” a Tamil romantic thriller, and “Vai Raja Vai,” a black comedy.
Dhanush, who is also a producer, was most recently seen in the Hindi love drama Atrangi Re, directed by Aanand L Rai, and has a long career in the Tamil film business.