On Tuesday, film producer Boney Kapoor took a trip down memory lane by posting a flashback photo of his late wife, actress Sridevi, to Instagram. The 66-year-old producer, who died in 2018, tweeted a photo of his late wife from 2012. At a Durga Puja pandal in Lucknow, the late actress may be seen with Boney’s name written on her back with sindoor. In the photo, she is wearing a white and red Ikat handloom saree. The actress can be seen wearing the traditional red sindoor on her cheeks and forehead, clearly enjoying the moment.
“In Lucknow celebrating one of the Durga Puja festivities at Sahara Sahar in the year 2012,” Boney captioned the photo he shared on Instagram. In the comments, fans of the actress expressed their reactions to the photo. “It is still hard to realise that she isn’t there anymore,” one person remarked.
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In 1996, Boney Kapoor married Sridevi. Prior to this, he was married to Mona Shourie Kapoor. Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are the two daughters of Boney and Sridevi. Khushi uploaded the photo on her Instagram story shortly after Boney shared it on the social media platform.