Priyanka Chopra is presently marketing “The Matrix Resurrections,” her next blockbuster. The Keanu Reeves-starrer has been one of the year’s most awaited films after Spider-Man: No Way Home. And, Priyanka Chopra has slammed a tabloid for labelling her as the “Wife of Nick Jonas” and published a screenshot of that particular article in that tabloid on her Instagram story. Priyanka Chopra is a worldwide and very renowned celebrity who is recognized for her extraordinary talent and acting abilities in Bollywood.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas is a queen who never ceases to amaze us with her accomplishments and charitable endeavors. The star is preoccupied with her Hollywood filming endeavors and spends increasing amounts of time in New York. She is known for juggling her job responsibilities between Bollywood and Hollywood, and for completing her tasks with the uttermost diligence. The actress has worked extremely hard to establish her own personality, but she is still referred to by her husband’s name, Nick Jonas.
She had presented several hits in Bollywood before marrying Nick Jonas. However, in the press, women are most commonly referred to by the names of their other halves, which understandably irritated the Barfi actress. She lashed out at the tabloid for making that statement. She is very much indulged into women rights, due to which, she would never accept people calling her. As much as she is proud of being Nick Jonas’ wife, she appreciates if people would see her individuality and not wife of Nick Jonas.
Priyanka Chopra responded on her Instagram profile by posting a screenshot story, referring to a newspaper article that referred to her as the “Wife of Nick Jonas.”” Please explain how this continues to happen to women,” she added. “Should I include a link to my IMDb page in the bio section?”, she further added on the Instagram Story. Nick Jonas, as well, was also tagged in the same post. Priyanka has, on the other hand, been extremely public regarding her marriage joy in numerous appearances. The actress and her American musician husband just celebrated their third anniversary, and she thinks that having a “good time” is the secret to their solid bond.
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